From a volunteer of Rational Animal's Mother's Comfort Project...
Jen B., a volunteer for the Mother's Comfort Project, participated in our April sewing session. She had a great time and then came along with us for the delivery on June 6th, just this past Saturday.
Having experienced this great Rational Animal project from the inside out, she had these kind words to say about it:
"Thanks so much for letting me come with you to the shelter this past weekend. I really felt good about the experience and would like to continue being involved in the Mother's Comfort Project.
I have always been an animal lover, so when I saw an article in Time Out New
Whether they were strays or owner surrenders, they just seemed to be looking for some love and attention. Unfortunately there were a lot of them, and the shelter had its hands full, so it made our job even more worthwhile. The animals are held in cold steel cages, and something as small as a bed, toy, or pat on the head really does make a difference in their quality of lives. I can vouch for this first-hand.
I think we can all find excuses and reasons NOT to get involved, but I can truly say that I am so happy that I chose to follow through and do it, because the feeling you get back outweighs the excuses tenfold. Mother's Comfort is making a direct impact, and these animals really do deserve it."
Thanks, Jen!! We appreciate our volunteers' work for our projects. As we all strive to help animals and empower more people to be aware, educated, and make informed decisions. We know this contributes to prevention -- which is key. We seek to prevent some of the problems we deal with in the animal rescue and awareness realm, such as the high incidents of owner surrender and breed/puppy shop buys, as well as cruelty in dog fighting and general neglect.
It's so great to hear one of our volunteers express that she feels she is making a difference.
We feel we are -- and we will not give up!

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