At Manhattan AC&C is a very special lady...
Emma (A815558), 4 yr old female pit – one of the sweetest and fearless pits I’ve ever met. She just wants to meet everyone. She’s constantly wagging her tail and making friends. She is quiet in her crate and when she comes out she is actually fairly good at getting around...this leads us to believe her vision is limited to shadows…or she has been blind all her life and has developed a strong enough sense of surrounding to be able to feel her way through things. I can’t say enough great things about her personality, cheerfulness and beautiful temperament. She is always eager to please and is a true joy to be around. It’s impossible to be around this dog and not feel happy!
AC&C VOLUNTEER WROTE: Sweet as sugar, confident in her blindness. Emma, who is blind, was found wandering the streets on 6/23/09. This volunteer has had two blind dogs of her own, but neither was as confident and trusting as Emma. She's willing to find her own way around, but is grateful if you lead her, too. She loves people and wants to kiss you -- all the time -- to show you her love. We figure she's around 4 years old. We don't know what caused her blindness, but nothing has dimmed the lightness of her soul. She's a joy.---
Contact me (Courtney) if you're interested in Emma or any animal for adoption.
We REALLY need more foster homes.
Find ALL adoptable dogs and cats here:
A-number is for AC&C to better help you meet the dog you are interested in. Please use it if you contact AC&C directly or visit the shelters.
AC&C in Brooklyn really needs more volunteers!! Contact if you can help. Every little description, personal testimonial for an animal drastically increases their chance for adoption.
AC&C Brooklyn
2336 Linden Blvd (East New York)
3 train to New Lots; walk up New Lots four blocks to Essex, make a right, walk two avenue blocks to Linden Blvd, and see shelter between Essex and Shepherd Ave.
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