On June 2, the New York State Senate’s Agriculture Committee unanimously passed S.3926, sponsored by Sen. Toby Stavisky, D-Flushing, to increase penalties for spectators at animal fights as well as for persons possessing animals for the purpose of fighting.
S.3926/ A.6287a: Animal Fighting
While dogfighting and cockfighting are felonies in New York, possessing animals for the purpose of fighting is only a misdemeanor and attending a fight is just a traffic-ticket style violation and misdemeanor. This makes it more difficult for law enforcement officials to effectively prosecute animal fighters. Moreover, these anemic provisions tend to attract criminals from other states to engage in illegal activities in New York.
This bill would make it a felony to be a spectator at a dogfight or a cockfight, punishable by a maximum fine of $25,000 and/or up to four years of imprisonment. The Assembly version of the bill, A.6287a sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph Lentol, D-Brooklyn, also passed the Assembly’s Agriculture Committee unanimously in April.
Couple more steps to go...
The new animal (not just for dogs) fighting bill that passed unanimously this month by the Senate Agriculture Committee now has to go through Senator Eric Schneiderman, Chair of Codes Committee and Senator Malcolm Smith, Majority Leader. The ADA for the dog fighting case we have been covering and helping bring attention to mentioned that these proposed laws are actually an improvement than what they were before.
And don't forget to get the latest on the New York City Anti-animal Fighting Campaign, started last year as a coalition between NYC AC&C and United Action for Animals.
We will be attending the Bronx Criminal Court again on the morning of Thursday, June 11th, in support of the prosectution of nine men charged with operating an organized dog fighting ring in the 179th St. area of the Bronx. Full story and to sign the petition to show you will not tolerate animal fighting here.

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